English heraldry is characterized in particular by the helmet bead, a two-tone twisted cord, with the helmet trim, which is referred to as crest. The crest, often animals or mythical creatures, but also weapons, tools and people, is left out of the helmet above the shield, but is even used as a coat of arms even without it. The often associated image motto (badge), the heraldic emblem, is typical and of great importance. If the crest comes into contact with a crown, this is referred to as a "coronet". The word "crown" is used only for the crown of the monarch. Two crests, two different monograms and an additional coat of arms adorn the unusual cigarette case from London from 1892 - and puzzles me. The case “striped” with silver and red gold shows a boar head above the monogram HLB, which rests on the helmet bead, a cross on the forehead. On the back we see a kite standing on the old form of the English duke, including the monogram HIW. In the lower corner there is another elaborate coat of arms.

Guilloche Enamel Boxes

C.G. Hallberg

C.G. Hallberg was a well-known Swedish goldsmith and jeweler, jeweler at the Swedish court. Its central business was at Drottninggatan 6 in Stockholm. It is known for its silver and metal goods, which are still fetching high prices at auctions. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was the largest jeweler in Scandinavia and one of the leading Swedish companies. 

Fritz Bemberg

From a small family business,
whose founder Fritz Bemberg deals in fancy goods
specialized in enamel art.
 Fine enamel work is indeed an art for which
lengthy and complex technology not only requires special training, but also special talent.
Most famous enamel artist of his time (from Pforzheim)
was certainly Louis Kuppenheim, but also Fritz Bemberg.
